Wilks, Mary-Collier. 2024. The Logic of Patronage: Relational Work in Cambodian Nongovernmental Organizations. Forthcoming in Socio-Economic Review.

Wilks, Mary-Collier. 2023. To Align or Misalign?: Interpreting NGO-State Partnership in Cambodia. Social Problems https://doi.org/10.1093/socpro/spac059.

Wilks, Mary-Collier. 2022. Presenting Feminism: Embodied Labor and NGOs in Cambodia. Gender, Work, & Organization, 29(2): 575-590.

Wilks, Mary-Collier, Derek Richardson, and Jennifer Bair. 2021. International NGOs in Global Aid Chains: Linking Donors, Local Partners, and the State. Sociology of Development, 7(1): 1-24.

Wilks, Mary-Collier. 2021.  Interpreting Khmer Women’s Health: National Variation & Local Needs. Contexts, 20(1): 74-75. 

Wilks, Mary-Collier. 2019. Activist, Entrepreneur, or Caretaker?: Negotiating Varieties of Women in Development. Gender & Society, 33(2), 224-250.